National outdoor expo 2024 AWards Winners
Inspiring person of the year
Sponsored by The Outdoor Guide

Nadia Weigh
Nadia Weigh is the Community Lead for Adventure Queens, a non-profit organisation that aims to delicately smash down barriers that stop women being active outdoors. In the last year she has propelled the community forward, doing more for the community than has ever been done before in a year. She has organised 3 Hills Skills programs to support 3 different groups of marginalised women to get into the outdoors; Refugee Women, Domestic Abuse Survivors and Women returning to the outdoors after injury or long term health condition. She has also spoken at the Adventure Mind Conference in a panel discussing Community Groups in the outdoors.
Outdoor Community Group of the Year
Sponsored by Northern Monk

Bluetits Chill Swimmers
The Bluetits is a worldwide community of people who came together and formed friendships and local communities. We are a not-for-profit organisation, all the profits we make from online sales, holidays and challenges go back into funding our community.
The Bluetits is, and always will be, free for anyone and everyone to join in.
Innovative Product of the Year
Sponsored by Out & Wild

Dryrobe Advance
Get changed and stay warm with the dryrobe® Advance, the original outdoor changing robe. The long-sleeved design offers extra protection against the elements.
Retailer of the Year
Sponsored by Outdoor Industries Association

Go Outdoors
We passionately believe in the positive benefits of the outdoors. Whether that be the daily dog walk or hiking Ben Nevis, horse riding or cold water therapy, we provide the best equipment for all outdoor activities, always at the best price guaranteed!
Best Outdoor Adventure Location
Sponsored by Outdoor Insights

Newlands Adventure Centre & Keswick Climbing Centre
Newlands Adventure Centre & Keswick Climbing Wall is the oldest established Residential Activity Centre in the UK. We have been providing outdoor activities for over 115 Years! From Ghyll Scrambling to Rock Climbing, Kayaking to Zip Lining, we really do have a wide variety of awesome activities for yourself, your friends & family to enjoy!
Most Sustainable Initiative for the Outdoor Market
Sponsored by Scouts

Its mission is to unlock previously inaccessible private land & grow an awe-inspiring network of Wild Spaces for camping & adventure. Sustainability is a primary pillar, requesting that members Leave No Trace & respect the Spaces they visit; in Aug23 CampWild launched Leave It Better Week to take this a step further. To monitor the use & condition of Wild Spaces CampWild developed an innovative platform that uses a unique Snap-In Snap-Out system so members photograph when they setup & leave camp; protection of Wild Spaces is paramount.
Outdoor Eduction & Training Award
Sponsored by Outside & Active

Mountain Rescue England and Wales
Mountain Rescue isn’t a training organisation – although teams invest a huge amount of time in training for their service – but it also has a role in working with partners to spread safety messages and educate everyone who enjoys the outdoors about how to keep safe and #Be Adventure Smart. Even if you’re not thinking of joining a team as a volunteer, there are any number of other ways you can contribute: fundraising or helping organise events, offering your professional skills, cooking bacon butties during a shout… even washing down team vehicles. Even an hour or two a week can be useful and many teams have supporters groups that make a big difference
Positive Impact of the Year in the Outdoor Market
Sponsored by Thrudark

Duke of Edinburgh Award
We are here to empower young people; to support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles, and build confidence and resilience.
Best Outdoor Blog / Podcast / Social Channel
Sponsored by University of Central Lancashire

Love Her Wild
Love Her Wild is a UK-based non-profit women’s adventure community. We believe outdoor adventures boost well-being, increase confidence and help protect our planet through better connections to nature. Love Her Wild is an inclusive community providing opportunities, support and funding to make the outdoors more accessible. We’ve taken thousands of women on adventures from first-time mountain hikes to world-first overseas expeditions!
Charity Initiative of the Year
Sponsored by INEOS Grenadier

Mind Over Mountains
Mind Over Mountains are a mental health charity offering immediate and accessible support through therapeutic outdoor experiences. Their events run throughout the UK, with bursaries available to those with the most challenging lives. Ranging from one day to 2-night stays, their programmes bring together professionally guided hill-walking, mindfulness and time in the company of experienced coaches and counsellors.