Sod the hoovering, stuff the laundry-mountain, and ignore the ever-increasing piles of clutter, they can definitely wait! Juggling kids, home, work, school, in-laws, dogs and everything else can be, well, a little boring and repetitive. There’s something extremely liberating about just saying ‘stuff it, we’re off!’
GoWildGoWest is two sisters with various kids and dogs in tow, intent on breaking the routine of family life and making sure there’s time to get outdoors and adventure every week, whenever and wherever that may take us. Inevitably, with school, work, and not to mention financial constraints, that usually isn’t very far! But, whether it’s an after-school explore or weekend mini-adventure, you don’t have to venture far to have fun in the great outdoors. There are so many adventures to be had on the doorstep – you just have to get out there and look for them.
At a time when the media is full of the disconnect between people and nature, lock-down has brought into sharp relief how important our natural surroundings are and how valuable just getting out there is for children and adult’s mental health. GoWildGoWest brings a mixture of everyday, achievable outdoor adventures for families who want to get a little wilder. It is a resource for busy people to get inspiration for things to do in the great outdoors around them. We also recommend places to go on our home-patch, the glorious South West of the UK – Somerset, Devon and Cornwall – we tend to head for lovely spots away from the crowds where there is no entrance fee and there’s not a public loo, café or a gift shop in sight!
Across our website and social media pages we share our different adventures, recommend great places to visit, and run outdoor events. Underlining it all is the aim to connect families, especially children, with the environment so that they appreciate, respect and protect it in the future. But also to bring families together through these shared experiences that are infinitely more fun and satisfying than staying home and whizzing round with the feather duster!
Georgie & Becks